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Kerekes István - EFIAP/p
Gallery 1
Kerekes István - EFIAP/platinum
I was born in 1977 in April 6th in Marosvásárhely. Now I live in Mosonmagyaróvár, western Hungary.
I involved in photography since 1998.
I am taking part regularly in international and national photo contests and competitions since 2004. In this period of time I achieved over 600 awards and prizes in international and national photo contests.
My pictures have been shown in more than 50 countries on 5 continents.
I take mainly portraits, social life and nature photographs.
Since 2009 I take part regularly in different national and international photo contests like jury member or like president of the jury.
My photo reports and articles regularly appear in A Földgömb (The Globe) magazine where I am regular author.
For my achievement in the field of art photography, in 2012 I get the EFIAP/platinum distinction, - the first Hungarian who owns this distinction.
My webpage -  www.kerekesistvan.com
Email - istikerekes@gmail.com
I do not have a Facebook site, and I have never had one !
Best friends
With grandpa
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