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Tommy Teh - E.FMPA |
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Name : Tommy Teh
Country : Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
1) E.FMPA - Excellence Federal Multicultural Photographic Art, USA
2) ASWAN - Associate Swan Photo Club International, USA
3) FSWAN - Fellow Swan Photo Club International, USA
4) ME.PSP - Master Exhibitor Photography Society of Penang, Malaysia
5) Se.PSBP - Salon Exhibitor Photo-Art Society Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
6) EP.PSBP - Excellence Photographer Photo-Art Society Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
6) ASAP - Associate Sigma Art Photography, India
7) PPSA - Proficiency Photographic Society Of American, USA
8) PSA - Nature Division - Galaxy Exhibitor 5
9) PSA - PIDC Color Division - 5 Star Exhibitor |
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