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Syed Javaid A.Kazi - MFIAP
Syed Javaid A.Kazi - MFIAP, Hon EFIAP, FRPS, FPSA, MUSPA - born at Jullundhar in Pakistan in 1945 .
Pakistan Governement Honour
In recognition of  outstanding talent as a photographer and contribution for the promotion of art photography in Pakistan and abroad, the President of Pakistan has conferred The Presidential Award for “The Pride of Performance”
Photographic Honours
- The distinction A.FIAP awarded in 1985 by The International Federation of Photographic Art.
- The distinction E.FIAP awarded in 1989 by The International Federation of Photographic Art.
- The distinction ES.FIAP awarded in 1994 by The International Federation of Photographic Art in recognition of outstanding services for the promotion of art photography at the national and international level.
- The distinction M.FIAP awarded in 2000. The first ever and the only Pakistani photographer to be honored with this award. The highest distinction in art photography which The International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) awards.
- Awarded the distinction Hon. EFIAP in 2010. The directory board of FIAP conferred this distinction on its own initiative and with unanimous voting.
- Elected as a member of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain in 1970 and awarded Associateship (ARPS) in 1987. Awarded Fellowship of The Royal (FRPS) in 2003.
- Awarded Fellowship of the Photographic Society of America (FPSA) in 1989. Citation: “ For judging, writing, lectures and proficiency in the art and science of photography; for the promotion and advancement of photography in Pakistan.”
- Awarded Master of United States Photographic Alliance (MUSPA) by United States Photographic Alliance in 2002 – United States Photographic Alliance’s highest distinction in photography.
- Conferred with the title of ‘Star Exhibitor’ by the Photographic Society of America and has the honor of being listed among the ‘Top 25 Exhibitors of the World’  in Monochrome Prints five times – 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992.
- Photographs acquired for Permanent Collection by several organizations including the Photographic Society of America, the Royal Photographic Society, India International Photographic Council and International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)
- Recipient of the Special award in recognition of services for the promotion of art photography in South Asia by the India International Photographic Council on the occasion of the Hundred Year Celebration of Photography.
- Awarded Honorary Fellowship (Hon FSIIPC) by the India International Photographic Council in 2002 in recognition of outstanding talent as an art photographer and for commendable services for the promotion of pictorial photography in the Sub-continent.
- Awarded Honorary Fellowship (Hon. FNPAS) by the National Photographic Art Society of Sri Lanka in 1998.
- Awarded Hon. Fellowship (Hon FICS) by the Image Colleague Society of United States in 2001
- Awarded Honorary Membership of Federation Multicultural Photographic Art (Hon EFMPA) in 2002
- Awarded Honorary Fellowship (Hon FSWAN) by SWAN Ladies Photo Club, USA in 2002
- Awarded Honorary Fellowship (Hon F.SPPS) by Sabah Professional Photographer’s Society, Malaysia
- Awarded Honorary Title (Hon PESGSPC) by PESGSPC, Romania
- Invitation exhibitions at most prestigious Galleries in Japan, USA, Taiwan, India, Romania, Italy, Switzerland, France, Nepal, Bangladesh and Turkey.
- Member of the international jury for the ACCU Photo Contest, UNESCO, Japan.
- Member of the international jury for FOTOFORUM, the world’s biggest online competition for photography.
- Member of the international jury of Oman National Exhibition.
- Photographs published extensively in national and international publications.
- Jury member for the  FIAP World Cup of Photography 2006 in Chengdu City, China
- Member Advisory Committee on Photography, South Asian Federation Games SAFA
- Awarded “PSA International Representative of the Year Award” by the Photographic Society of America, 2008
- Invited to China by the Chinese Photographers Association / Local Governments on a lecture tour in different cities of China in 2006..
- Special photographic assignments in different countries. Recent ones include China (Tibet ) invited by the Government of China and in Turkey ( Government of Turkey, Ministry of Tourism )
- Solo Exhibition entitled SACRED COMPANIONS at the State Museum of Ethnology, Munich, Germany (Period of display about one year).
- Pictures on permanent display in the Photographic Society of America’s official website in the Master’s Gallery.
- Pictures on permanent display in the FIAP (International Federation of Photographic Art) official website as Master’s Collection.
- Photograph selected and published in FIAP PATRIMOINE ARTISTIQUE—50 years.  A publication to honor master photographers of the last fifty years and FIAP/UNESCO Publication – THIS EARTH IN 2000.
- Photographs published extensively in national and international publications. Latest coffee table book is “Churches of Pakistan”.
Current Offices Related to Photography
President, Photographic Society of Pakistan
Liaison Officer in Pakistan, International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)
Director, Asian Federation of Art Photography (FAPA}
International Representative, Photographic Society of America (PSA)
Member, Executive Board, Islamabad Camera Club
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